Sunday 27 November 2011

Which COLOR PERSONIFIES you..?????


Red is associated with action, vitality and courage.
you are action oriented with a deep need for physical fulfillment and to experience life through the five senses.they have the inner FIRE burning, and i dont

out fit : If you are red-headed or have warm highlights make sure your chosen red is yellow-based. Think orange red or tomato. 
If you are pale and blonde go for a watermelon red. Those with dark hair and dark eyes should wear true reds and rubies.

                                  Peaceful Pink 

  • If your personality color is pink you have a deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally. i.e. these are all HELLO KITTY type people.

  • out fit :Orchids, hot pinks and cyclamens are fantastic for women with strong colouring while those with paler skin should keep their pinks pale and soft. Think blush pink or candy.


    If green is your favorite, you have a deep need to belong, to love and be loved, and to feel safe and secure. You need acceptance and acknowledgment for the everyday things you do for others - just a 'thank you' is sufficient. these people are sound and have a logic appproach towards their work, somethng like stefen hawkins.

    Being the colour of nature, green brings a sense of calm so wear it if one is anxious. It highlights a person's creative side and shows he or she is well balanced.

    All greens are great for redheads but sea greens and peppermint shades look fantastic on those with light complexions. Teal always looks fabulous on those with darker complexions.

                                              Powerful Purple

    Purple is often associated with magic so it is no surprise it stimulates imagination and individuality and creates an air of mystery.they like to live in their own dungeon carries a BIG question mark on their head.
    If purple is your favorite color, you have a deep need for emotional security and to create order and perfection in all areas of your life, including your spiritual life. You also have a deep need to initiate and participate in humanitarian projects, helping others in need

    Dark-haired girls will look regal in darkish purple and it mixes well with most other colours. Think purple and lime for redheads and purple and pale blue for those with lighter hair.

                                 Oranges and Lemons

    These playful colours bring out a person's fun side and increase their sexual energy.

    Look for these colours in patterns rather than wearing them in blocks of colour as it can be hard matching the right shade to one's skin tone. 


    Lovers of black have a need for power and control in order to protect their own emotional insecurities. these people are stern in their aproach.


    If white is your personality color, your deepest need is for simplicity in your own life and to be independent and self-reliant so you do not need to depend on anyone else.

                                                           BLUE Lovers of blue have a deep need to find inner peace and truth, to live their life according to their ideals and beliefs without having to change their inflexible viewpoint of life to satisfy others.
    these people are not wrapped in wire of misery, they like to live free and usually have a ' DOnt GIVE a DAMMnn' attitude.
    choosing yellow as your favorite means you have a deep need for logical order in your everyday life and to be able to express your individuality by using your logical mind to inspire and create new ideas.

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