Monday 5 December 2011

10 THINGss I want from the FUTURE......

      yes you got it right, i want the electricity transmission to be wire less in coming future, like we have bluetooth or wifi.
      im not talking about anything fairy, it can be possible through electro magnetic flux concept.
      now no more high tension wire or plug to charge your MOBILE or LAPTOP.
      life would be so much easier without those tangled plastic wire.
      but its a long way to go for it.

              • REAL SMARTPHONE 

      its ABSURD to see those junk which mobile company sells in the name of smarphones.theys just suks, poor display, creaking sound even in the earphone, lame response time, poor touch senstivity...etcccc

      i want a REAL smartphone, a genuinely SMART one.
      • a super senstive touch
      • mind boggling SOUND
      • robust processor, for realy fast response (i hate when they hang in between )
      • high resolution camera, which can be a substitute of my CYBERSHOt.
      • long BATTERY backup atleast for 3-4 days.
      • super sonic internet browsing
      • super fine ,large crystal clear SCREEN, for life like picture
      • tough body cover
      • most important of all USER FRIENDLY - i want a simple yet dynamic operating system, which is easily processable.

              • 3-D PROJECTOR
      projector is one of the coolest thing in the world of entertainment,they are 2D and require a surface to work, but i want to take it to the NEXT level, THE 3-D you dont need to take the PAIN of wearing those 3D GLASSES.
      a projector with the 3D detail so that next time you watch AVATAR or TRANSFORMER you can actually FEEL the OPTIMUS PRIME. i.e. the characters will have the VOLUME in them.

      IMAgine playing any video on your TABLe or wherever you want and see the character dancing on them.
              • CLEANER FUEL
      Im sick and tired of living in this AIr full stuffed with SHIt smelling GASES, CO2, CO, SO2.....
      SMOKE from the CARS almost looks like the POISoN gas, thirsty for your LUNGS.
      i want the advanced BIODEGRADABLE fuel which after combustion emit out some descent like Oxygen, hydgrogen, nitrogen or something like WATER....
      i want the GENERATION to breathe, llive and Smile in pure AIr.

       every time i see RAIN, i just want to charge my super sexy BIKE and have a speeeedy RIDe on HIGHWAY, with those earplugs on and a pepy song buzzing on my MINd............<3
       ZOOOOOming through those tiny drops with the rugged sound of bike's ENGINE..ZzUuuuuuuuuuuu................oh HEAVENnnnnn.

              • EYE CONTROL MOUSE -
      i hate the touchpad of my laptop ,dragging fingures all around and hammering it to click. i always wanted a super advance gesture control device which can sense my eye movement and work according to it .JUSt imagine with the BLINK of your right and left eye it 'll start work as left and right CLICK..... ;)

        i always wanted to be a part of MATRIX fight sequence between NEO and AGENT smith, or standing next to LEORNAIDUS in 300 [with 8 packs....;)].......
        living a FILm has always been my dream, i wanna techies to take the movie xperience to the next level and come up with the cool concept of advance GOGLe , which 'll take us to the imaginary world of ANIMATION and SPECIAL EFFECTzzzz......

                • SMART CLOTHES
        you know what i hate the most? - "washing clothes in the weakend", yeh i hate it the MOST....:/
        i really wish for the future clothes made up of SMART POLYMER, which could just shed the DUST with just one PRESS of button. they'll never TEAR ,never catch the DUST or any DIRT
        and the most important (specially for me) it should  give the same FRAGRANCE evrytime i wear.
        with the help of NEW TECH. like NANOTUBES, one can even change the color of their SHIRTS or it can be connected to any electronic device like your MOBILE, so that every time you get a msg it'll directly FLASH on your SHIRT.

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